What is your abundance card?
- Posted by Mazarine
- On May 30, 2014
Check out this interview with Peter Roth, founder of the Heart River Healing School
In it, Peter interviews the founder of Spiritual Nutrition.org, Alexander Dunlop.
Your jupiter card is your abundance card. This card is 4 cards down in your life spread.
So if your birth card is the 6 of diamonds, your jupiter card is the 8 of spades.
If your birth card is the 6 of spades, your jupiter card is the King of Spades.
What does your abundance card mean for you? It means this is how you can have success in your life, if you follow what the card means.
If your birth card is the eight of hearts, your abundance card or jupiter card is the ten of clubs. That means you’ll have a lot of success, and fun, at being a teacher and teaching large groups of people.
You can also look at your vertical jupiter card, if you want to. That’s the card 4 cards up from your card in the life spread.
So, for example, the vertical jupiter card for the 4 of clubs is the 8 of hearts. This means that the 4 of clubs can have success as a healer. The 8 of hearts can be a healer card.
And you can look at your jupiter card in the past life spread. So if you’re the 4 of clubs, your jupiter card in the past life spread is the 8 of clubs. If you’re the 6 of clubs, your jupiter card in the past life spread is the 10 of clubs.
What is YOUR abundance or jupiter card?