Relationships and the Cards: Claire Danes and Hugh Dancy
- Posted by Mazarine
- On August 10, 2013
- 9 of diamonds, Aries Goat, cards, claire danes, desriny card, destiny card, destiny card readings, destiny reading, dstiny card, dwstiny card reading, festiny card, gemini cat, Hugh Dancy, jack of clubs, jupiter connection, karma card connection, king of clubs, my so called life, real life screen romances, tarto reating, venus connection
Hugh Dancy and Claire Danes
Claire Danes’ birthday is April 12, 1979. This means that her Destiny Cards are the 9 of diamonds and the King of Clubs. Claire Danes is an Aries Goat. Aries Goats are a curious mixture of hard-working and artistic. She wants to lie around in the sun, but the Aries side of her personality is always making her get up and go. This means that Claire Danes will be very smart, and powerful without being overbearing. She will know losses in her life, but she can have a sense of touching the divine or universal if she opens up and lets go.
Hugh Dancy’s Birthday is June 19th, 1975. His Destiny Cards are the Jack of Clubs and 9 of diamonds. The Gemini Cat is a figure who has struggled with their own troubles, and wants a clear, limpid, uncomplicated relationship. The Jack of Clubs can be very fixed in their minds, and love a good argument. Jacks have a hard time taking responsibility for their lives. Hugh Dancy also craves economic security, which Ms. Danes can certainly provide.
Their connections are so clear. This is beautiful. An Aries and a Gemini together. Aries are a fire sign, and Gemini is an air sign. The fire feeds on air.
A Goat and a Cat together. Goats and Cats get along really well, because Goats are lovely partners for people who like to have distance and uncomplicated relationships. They are very easy-going. Cats like the Goat’s love of beauty and hands-off nature. Goats let the Cat have space. Plus Cats love sensuality, and Goats can provide that in spades.
Their Destiny Card Connections:
Their first connection is between Claire Danes Birth card and Hugh Dancy’s birth card. He is moon to her in the life spread. That means that she is the boss in this relationship. They will feel really good together, be able to communicate really easily, and be generous and gentle with each other. They have many of the same likes and dislikes, many complementary skills. This also means that their karma cards in the past life spread will be sun and moon to each other. Their first karma cards are the Queen of Diamonds and the Jack of Diamonds, respectively.
Their second connection is between Claire Danes birth card and Hugh Dancy’s planetary ruling card. They both have the 9 of diamonds. These two cards are the same. This means they are very similar to each other and if they get annoyed at each other, it’s only because they dislike something in themselves.
Their third connection is between Claire Danes’ King of Clubs and Hugh Dancy’s Jack of Clubs. In the life spread, she is his Jupiter card, which means he will love to give to her.
Their fourth connection, in the past life spread, means that Claire Danes King of Clubs is venus to Hugh Dancy’s Jack of Clubs. He just adores her, and it shows.
All of these connections are absolutely perfect for a long and loving relationship.