Beyonce is a Virgo rooster, born September 4, 1981. Jay-Z is a Sagittarius Rooster, born on December 4, 1969.
Why would a virgo and a sagittarius be together? Earth and fire? It doesn’t make sense. Why would two roosters be together? Wouldn’t that be TOO MUCH EGO? I mean, roosters are already pretty into themselves. How could they stand to be with another rooster, also totally into itself? Perhaps being with the same sign allows them to love and understand their own strengths and weaknesses better, which may even be better, and the perfect act of narcissism. Who knows?
Beyonce is a Seven of Diamonds birth card, and a 5 of spades PRC. The five of spades makes her a hard worker, in love with variety, and indeed she has had success working hard as a dancer and a singer and traveling the world. Kind of the ideal career for a five of spades. Her birth card is the seven of diamonds, also known as the millionaires’ card, which she is. She’s had a much more fortunate beginning to her life than Jay-Z did.
Jay-Z is an Ace of Diamonds birth card, with a 3 of spades PRC. this makes him very interested in making money, and in being creative. The three of spades is known as the artist’s card, but he’s translated this successfully into a rap career. Being two odd numbered cards, he tends to create things in his life more. And being a diamond, he’s interested in creating things in the physical world.
Even though they are not near each other in the life spread, there’s a lovely past life venus connection for their PRC cards. They also have a Uranus connection between their Birth cards in the past life spread. And because they are both spades and diamonds, they will intrinsically understand each other’s perspectives on life, namely their needs to work hard and make things happen in the physical world, to be interested in values.
When we look at their karma cards, we get a more complete picture of why Jay-Z and Beyonce are together.
Jay-Z’s first karma cards are the 2 of diamonds and the 6 of diamonds. This makes him Beyonce’s moon card. This is good for her, as Jay-Z being an ace of diamonds with the second karma card of the ace of hearts makes him perfectly content to be alone. And he was known to be a player before they were married. He even wrote a song about how much he didn’t need to be with anyone. He wrote, “Me give my heart to a woman? Not for nothin, never happen” in 1999, in a song called “Big Pimpin'”
but by 2003 he was with Beyonce and making a song called “Crazy in Love.”
As she’s a seven of diamonds and he also acts like the six of diamonds, then he’ll be her moon card, she’ll be the sun card, he’ll feel safe and comfortable around her, which makes them compatible for marriage.
Beyonce’s first karma card for her PRC, the five of spades, is the 10 of hearts. She doesn’t have any karma cards for her birth card, because this card, the seven of diamonds is one of a special family of seven that are all called the fixed and semi-fixed cards. They share a relationship with each other but they don’t have karma cards.
Jay-Z’s second karma cards are the Ace of hearts, and the Jack of Diamonds.
Beyonce’s second karma card is the 4 of diamonds.
This means that she and Jay-Z have a nice past-life mars connection with her 4 of diamonds 2nd karma card and his Ace of diamonds, which is perfect for a sexual connection. Since the direction of this connection goes from his ace of diamonds to her four of diamonds, it will help keep him interested in her, even if he was tempted to cheat. The seven of diamonds is also known for being kinky in the bedroom, which would keep their marriage fresh.
Because Jay-Z is also the Jack of Diamonds, he has a nice Jupiter connection with Beyonce. This connection flows from her seven of diamonds to his Jack, and this means that she will want to give to him and they’ll have a good time together.
It’s so beautiful when two people love each other as much as they do.